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Buy cupboard of herbs & spices and filled up empty jar of Cumin - Just cost me £0.16

I love to cook fresh food but with that my cupboard is full of herbs and spices. Today I popped along to my local zero waste shop and filled up my empty jar of Cumin. Normally I’d buy supermarket own for around £1.00 today a full jar cost me 16p. What a saving and will go in so many meals. If your on a tighter budget you can literally buy the amount required. Worth a look if you have one locally.

Secondly, I bulk buy my herbs and spices because I don't have a shop like that locally. It saves us a lot f money over buying little jars in supermarkets. I also grow a lot f my own herbs, drying them out of season so I always have then on hand. Would love to live near a zero waste shop.
