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Chicken pot pie, buttery mash & broccoli recipe! £2.46 fed 4 for 61p each

Recipe - Chicken pot pie, buttery mash & broccoli 😀
Nay loved pointing out all the different veggies in the pie!  No Ash tonight as hes having a sleepover at his besties house 💙 .

Weve had our first proper successful potty training day today! Nays done so so well… weve tried before & she just wasnt interested at all… shes cracked it today, fantastic! 👏🏻👏🏻 Looking forward to not buying pull ups! 🤣

  • Leftover chicken free as costed previously
  • Condensed chicken soup 50p
  • Handful frozen veggies & spinach 20p ish
  • Puff pastry reduced 50p
  • Broccoli 49p
  • 1/3 bag red potatoes 38p
  • 1/2 cup milk 10p 🤷🏼‍♀️
  • Cheese 29p

£2.46 fed 4 for 61p each 🙂

Chicken pot pie, buttery mash & broccoli recipe
