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Lo curry sauce recipe! cooked up a bag of tiny potatoes to fill my oven

Recipe - I used lo curry sauce - from a jar that was in the freezer with a chicken breast, rice and naan bread for dinner. I baked a strawberry and a chocolate loaf cake. I really feel for people who have to buy Gluten Free food - it is so expensive and not a lot of choice. I was asked to pop into our local Asd. last week to buy cake for someone who was GF and had come along for the first time to our Salvation Army lunch.  I have had a go at baking a GF cake for tomorrow but I didn't have any GF flour - found a recipe that uses custard powder. Hubby and I will taste test before I give it to anyone else. I plan to buy some GF flour when I next shop.

I also cooked up a bag of tiny potatoes to fill my oven - which won't be switched on until Friday now.

Lo curry sauce recipe
