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Steaks and gravy granules recipe, Stew on in the slow cooker for tonight’s tea

Recipe - Stew on in the slow cooker for tonight’s tea. I’ve only just put it on, running behind but can’t wait to see what this tastes like.. Cheap, cheerful and warm☺️☺️.

- steaks x2 - £2 Asda essentials range.
- mixed veg x1 bag - £0.72p Asda essentials range
- potatoes x4 big ones (not sure on the price)
- beef stock - £0.48p (I think) - aldi
- gravy granules - £0.32p - Asda essentials range
- red onions - £0.89p (I think) - lidl  

I then through a load of seasoning in that u had in the cupboard 😂 every little bit helps 😂 This will feed around 8 people if not more ☺️.

Steaks and gravy granules recipe
