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Spring rolls recipe! made a few days in advance and stored in freezer

Recipe - Spring rolls made a few days in advance and stored in freezer, made 27 medium size spring rolls and about 9 mini Vietnamese rice paper springs, which we fried and and ate straight away. Purchased 3 packs of pork shoulder all marinated into Char siu and put 3 pieces into a plastic take away tub, labelled and freeze. 

Today's dinner for 5 people, was 1/2 pack (3 pieces) of pork shoulder purchased from Lidl for £4.49 for 1kg which I marinated in advance. Baked two German plum cakes; I had lots of plums from the community larder that needed to be used up. I found the recipe on Pinterest.

All baking ingredients already have from last time.

Spring rolls recipe

Spring rolls recipe

Spring rolls recipe
