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Chicken fried rice on a budget recipe! Total cost around £3 ish for 6 portions

Recipe - Chicken fried rice on a budget because we all love takeout but we don’t like the price.

2 chicken breast £1.50 ish. Tesco frozen ones.
2 bags of boil in the bag rice 60p ish (I can’t cook rice out the bag I just can’t 😂).
Sesame oil (already had in).
Soy sauce (already had in).
MSG (please don’t hate me because I use this in my fakeaways).
3 eggs. Not sure on the cost I’d say 50p max?
Either fresh spring onions 50p (use half).
Frozen peas maybe 20ish p per portion.

This feeds 3 I have a family of 5 but 2 won’t eat it. And I have around 3 portions left over. Total cost around £3 ish for 6 portions. TakeWay cost £5 for one portion!

Chicken fried rice on a budget
