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Home cooked cheap meal recipe! whole meal below serves a family of 4 for around £1.60

Recipe - Cost of living as we all know Is going up. So I been experimenting with food and asda essential range.
This whole meal below serves a family of 4 for around £1.60 for the whole meal. Now that's around 40p each. If you work out the price of the quantity you use for each product.
(Everything was a essential item).

Some may say heart attack on plate to me a hearty meal that was cheap and didn't disappoint. 

Mac and cheese using penne.
Sauce .
2 tb spoon butter.
3/4 soft cheese.
Small handful red Leicester.
Dice half onion.
2 ladel of garden peas.
1/4 cup plain flour.
1/2 cup water.
Pepper to season.
Mix into half cooked penne pasta.
Dice 3 rashers of bacon lightly fry and mix into pasta.
Grated cheese on top with one slice bacon chopped. 

Baked 25mins fan oven 200c.

Home cooked cheap meal recipe

Home cooked cheap meal recipe

Home cooked cheap meal recipe
