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McDonalds end-of-the-week kids treat costing around £30! Happy meal recipe

I used to get the kids a McDonald's on a Friday as an end-of-the-week treat. However, some weeks it was costing around £30. I got some picnic boxes (10 for £3.50 = 35p each - there's a huge variety of designs available) from Amazon and some paper bags (50 for £3.65 = 7p each).

Recipe - Then I made my own chicken nuggets (£1.99 for 15 = 13p each/39p per portion) and chips (skin-on-fries in this case but any chips will do, £1 = 25p per portion). I added a Fruit Shoot from Morrisons (15 for £3.75 = 25p each). Altogether with the boxes, paper bags, etc it cost £1.31 per child or £3.93 total. As additional extras I added a small toy each (which I already had) and a sachet of ketchup (50 for £7.24 = 14p each). The kids really enjoyed it and ate the lot! Being able to have a "Fakeaway" for less than a fiver once a week makes a huge difference to our budget. Yes, it takes a little more work and there is the cost of fuel for cooking it to consider, but that's nothing compared to what we were paying.

McDonalds custom happy meal recipe

McDonalds custom happy meal recipe
