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Tea! Beef curry recipe, sliced topside of beef free from Olio

Tea! Beef curry in a hurry! Was supposed to be chicken but couldnt find it in the depths of my freezer… found some sliced topside of beef instead so used that 🙂. Ive been in the hosp all aft with Lily, she cracked her head open 🙈 so shes been cleaned & glued back up, she was so brave 💕💕 Now to avoid getting it wet for the next 5-7 days 🙈🙈 

Sliced beef free from Olio
2 spring onions on offer 9p
1/2 punnet mushrooms 42p
1/3 box Mayflower curry powder 33p
200g long grain rice 27p
3 eggs 27p

£1.38 fed 4 for 34p each 🙂 No Addy tonight as hes out for a sleepover!

Tea! Beef curry recipe, sliced topside of beef
