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Homemade custard bramley apples! mixed plain flour with butter, sugar and cinnamon

Our school was giving away some bramley apples, so it only meant one of two things! (other option was apple pie but I wanted something quickish).

The custard is completely homemade, as I didn't have any birds or instant in.. my first time making it and I didn't have any cornflour in so had to try and thicken it without haha
I didn't use measurements as I eyeballed it but for the crumble filling I peeled and sliced up an apple, sprinkled some sugar and cinnamon on it.

the topping I mixed plain flour with butter, sugar and a bit more cinnamon..
the custard I used 350ml milk, 3 egg yolks, sugar and vanilla extract.. you're best off looking up the technique for that as there are so many different recipes x
all in all not bad for a free pudding!

Homemade custard bramley apples
