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Leftovers pie recipe! chicken & mushroom, using leftover chicken & gravy

Leftovers pie! I dont want to blow my own trumpet but the pies ive been making are ACE & way cheaper (& tastier) than supermarket ones! I think the pie dish helps! I got 2 for £12.99 from Ebay a while back 🙂.

This one is chicken & mushroom, using leftover chicken & gravy! The mash was also leftover from a previous meal. We dont do waste here, any leftovers get frozen for another day 🙂 which made this cost not much at all! 

Lily didnt eat hers as shes not very well 😞 full of cold & had to be picked up from preschool early. The boys have school disco & football tonight so they wont be having theirs til later, along with Shawne. Busy eve for all of us!

Leftover chicken free as costed previously
1/2 tub oyster mushrooms on offer 56p
Leftover gravy free as costed previously
Leftover camembert mash free as costed previously
Butter & flour for pastry 30p ish
Broccoli 52p

£1.38 fed 5 for 27p each 🙂.

Leftovers pie recipe! chicken & mushroom
