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Tuna pasta bake recipe! Small ish portion! breakfast & Xmas shopping

Tuna pasta bake recipe 🙂. I did Lilys separately as she doesnt like tuna apparantly! It was nice but I much prefer the Colmans sachet, just didnt have time to go to big supermarket today, nipped in Lidl & they dont do it. The kids all loved it & wolfed it down. Small ish portion for me as me & James have had a day out together today, breakfast & Xmas shopping… im still full! 🐷.

1/2 bag pasta 34p
Jar pasta sauce 89p
Tuna 75p
1/2 tin sweetcorn 25p
2 bags ready salted crisps 28p
1/6 block cheese 44p
Mozz 59p
Garlic bread 32p

£3.86 fed 5 for 77p each 🙂.

Tuna pasta bake recipe! Small ish portion
