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Bolognese & Hulk tagliatelle with garlic bread & a cheese mountain recipe

Bolognese & Hulk tagliatelle 😀 with garlic bread & a cheese mountain recipe 🍝🧀.
All the kiddies loved the green tagliatelle (Jamie Oliver brand, got from Heron).

Mince £1.89
Spag bol pouch 65p
Plum tomatoes 28p
Onion 6p
1/3 punnet mushrooms free from Olio
Squeeze of tomato puree 5p ish
2 carrots 5p ish
2/3 bag green tagliatelle 66p
2 garlic bread 64p
1/6 block cheese 36p 

£4.64 fed 5 for 92p 🙂 there are some leftovers too which will be frozen, to use with another batch of leftover bol, for Weds meal 🙂.

Bolognese & Hulk tagliatelle with garlic bread
