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MFC - Mums fried chicken recipe, air fried, with homemade coleslaw & potato salad

MFC - Mums fried chicken 😀 some air fried, some baked, as my air fryer isnt big enough! With homemade coleslaw & potato salad, & southern gravy 🙂. Definately not one of my cheaper meals but still much cheaper than the Colonel 😉. 

Chicken wings £1.75
Boneless chicken thighs £3.49
1/2 bottle chicken fry mix 75p
3 eggs 23p
1/4 cabbage 27p
Red onion 6p
1/2 bag baby pots 40p
Herbs free from the garden
3 slices bacon 64p
1/4 pack dill 15p
1/2 pot sour cream 47p
1/4 jar mayo 21p
1/3 tub southern gravy granules 61p

£9.02 fed 5 for £1.80 each 🙂.

MFC - Mums fried chicken recipe, air fried
