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Recipe - Holey toad, cauli, broccoli, carrots, onion, Camembert mash

Recipe - Holey toad, cauli, broccoli, carrots, onion (for me 😀), Camembert mash 🤤🤤🤤, & gravy made from the juices of a previous roast! Delish! Dinner whilst watching Mirror-belle tonight, James & the boys are at footy & wont he back til a bit later ⚽️.

1/2 pack frozen sausages 50p
Eggs milk & flour for batter 40p ish
1/3 bag maris pipers 38p
1/2 round of Camembert 44p
1/2 bag frozen broccoli & cauli 40p
Onion 6p
1/4 bag carrots 11p
Gravy granules 16p

£2.45 fed 5 for 49p each 🙂.

Recipe - Holey toad, cauli, broccoli, carrots
