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West country meatballs Recipe! Scotch pies for the kids, mash & Yorkshire puddys

West country meatballs 👀 for me, Scotch pies for the kids & James, carrots & onion, mash & Yorkshire puddys 😀 .

Tea is a bit later today as been to a funeral this afternoon 🌙🌙🌙.
Leftover West country meatballs 👀 free as costed previously.

Scotch pies £1.50
1/4 bag carrots 11p
Onion 6p
1/3 bag maris pipers 38p
Leftover Yorkshire puds free as costed previously
Gravy granules 16p 

£2.21 fed 5 for 44p each 🙂.

West country meatballs Recipe
