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Pork & red pepper stew recipe! with mash & broccoli, Didnt fancy Yorkshires

Pork & red pepper stew recipe 🫑 (why isnt there a red pepper emoji 😂) with mash & broccoli. Didnt fancy Yorkshires, & we had some bread to use up so Ash had some buttery bread. James & Arlo will have theirs later as its football training, & Lily is at a sleepover tonight at her Aunty’s 🙂💕
The portion sizes tonight were HUGE 😂 The pork was from Olio & must have weighed about 1.5kg! It was pre cooked, & in some kind of light coloured BBQ sauce. If it wasnt already frozen I would have cut it up & frozen to use across more meals but wasnt possible, & I couldnt defrost & refreeze, so the other half is in the fridge for pork curry tomorrow 🙂.

Cooked pork free from Olio
Red pepper 45p
Leek 32p
1/4 bag carrots on offer 6p
Apple 9p
2 stock cubes 4p
Onion 6p
Gravy granules 16p
1/3 bag potatoes on offer 6p
Broccoli reduced 50p
£1.74 fed 4 for 43p each 😀 .

Havnt costed the bread as the whole loaf was 20p & he only had a couple of slices!

Pork & red pepper stew recipe
