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Round 2 of the pork! pork curry, jalfrezi recipe with rice, sweet potato wedges

Round 2 of the pork! This time pork curry 😀 jalfrezi to be more precise 🙂 with rice, sweet potato wedges, garlic naan & garlic pickle 😀 which was delicious! 

The pork was from Olio & must have weighed about 1.5kg! It was pre cooked, & in some kind of light coloured BBQ sauce. If it wasnt already frozen I would have cut it up & frozen to use across more meals but wasnt possible, & I couldnt defrost & refreeze, so I used one half yesterday for a stew, & the other half for todays curry 🙂.

Cooked pork free from Olio
Jalfrezi sauce £1.10
2 onions 12p
2 tomatoes free from Olio
1/6 bag rice 28p
Sweet potato wedges reduced £2.46
2 giant garlic naans £1.12

£5.08 fed 5 for £1.01 each 🙂.

pork curry, jalfrezi recipe with rice
