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Liver & onions mash recipe! with added mushrooms, cabbage, carrots mash & Yorkshires

Liver & onions mash, with added mushrooms, cabbage, carrots (& an onion), mash & Yorkshires 🙂. Arlo loved it, Ashton didnt! Didnt give it to Lily as it is a peculiar taste & shes not in the best of moods today 😂 Definately didnt give it to James as he would have had some kind of coronary! 💔😅.

Pigs liver £2.21
Mushrooms reduced 39p
Handful pickled onions 16p
1/3 bag maris pipers 46p
1/4 cabbage free from Oddbox
Carrots free from Oddbox
Gravy granules 16p
Leftover Yorkshires free as costed previously
2 eggs 10p
Leftover stew free as costed previously 

£3.48 fed 5 for 69p each 🙂.

Liver & onions mash recipe
