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Greek style chicken soup Recipe with hilopites & crusty buttery tiger loaf

Recipe - Greek-Style Chicken Soup with Hilopites and Crusty Buttery Tiger Loaf. A surprisingly delicious Greek-inspired chicken soup with hilopites and a side of crusty buttery tiger loaf. This dish turned out to be much more than expected, a delightful blend of flavors that even had Shawne going back for seconds! 😊 Lily, on the other hand, had a lemon for pudding 🤷🏼‍♀️😂.


  • Whole cooked chicken (reduced), £2.25
  • 1/4 bag hilopites (reduced), £0.17
  • Red pepper, £0.55
  • 2 potatoes, £0.25
  • Onion, £0.06
  • 2 carrots, £0.07
  • 2 stock cubes, £0.06
  • 2 chicken bouillon cubes, £0.09
  • Lemon, free from Olio
  • Most of a loaf of tiger bread, £1.25

Total Cost: £4.75


  1. Shred the cooked chicken into bite-sized pieces, making sure to reserve the broth.
  2. In a large pot, combine the shredded chicken, hilopites, chopped red pepper, diced potatoes, sliced onion, and chopped carrots.
  3. Add the chicken broth, stock cubes, and chicken bouillon cubes to the pot. Bring the mixture to a simmer and let it cook until the vegetables are tender.
  4. Squeeze the juice of the lemon into the soup for a refreshing citrus kick.
  5. While the soup is simmering, slice the tiger bread and spread with butter. Toast until golden and crusty.
  6. Serve the Greek-style chicken soup in bowls with a side of crusty buttery tiger bread.

This delightful and hearty meal feeds 5 for £0.95 each. Enjoy the warmth and flavors of this comforting Greek-inspired soup!

Greek style chicken soup Recipe with hilopites & crusty buttery tiger loaf
