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Recipe - Macaroni cheese topped ragu with garlic bread, lots of leftovers

Macaroni cheese topped ragu with garlic bread  🥖🧀.

I wasnt holding out hope for this one, the ragu didnt seem to have much flavour to it by looking at the ingredients list BUT I was very wrong! We really really enjoyed it 😀 definately one to make again!
Only 3 of us for tea today so lots of leftovers for James to take to work 🙂 Arlo was sick this morning so I had to collect him from school… & Ash has been sick since I picked him up after school 😩 These bugs can do one!! 

Pork mince company shop 56p
2 beef stock cubes 6p
2 carrots 5p
1/2 tub mushrooms 50p
Shallot free from Olio
Balsamic vinegar, tomato puree, oregano 15p ish
2/3 bag pasta 27p
Milk, butter & flour for white sauce 40p ish
Cheese (mix of cheddar & truffle cheddar that I got reduced after Xmas) 73p ish
3 garlic cloves free from Oddbox
Garlic bread 37p

£3.09 made 6 portions for 51p each 🙂.

Recipe - Macaroni cheese topped ragu
